Twiga Children's Centre

To See That All Have Homes To stay (Watoto ni upendo kutoka kwa Mungu Baba wetu)  

  Home | Sponsor A Child | Contact Us | Our Orphan needs


Please Donate Clothing Used, clean clothing in good condition is always welcome. In addition, there is an ongoing need for new clothing such as socks, Shoes, Blankets, sheets, shirts, undergarments, large-size panty hose, sweaters, jackets, gloves, mittens, toiletries, grooming aids, as well as clothing and toys for children. There is always a special need for men's underwear. All donations of clothing must be dropped off, or shipped to: Mercy Gate Champion Children's Home, P.O BOX 4047 KISII KENYA 40200. Thank you for your generosity!


The best way to help MGCH feed the homeless is to send a financial gift that may be used for that purpose.


Please donate the used or new computers to MGCCH for the orphan kids to use them in learning since our project introduced computer studies for them. We need them to be computer literate.


Our kids need bible for them to learn the Bible and understand it better. And we know that everything we need then to know come from our Lord God and they are written on the Bible.


Our kids also need books for them to study and they need also books to write in school and at the orphange for homework.


We also need to get a televion in the orphanage to keep our kids busy when they have free time or leisure time in the orpahanage.

Requirement of Fund for Future Needs

Orphan Home To build Orphan Homes for the Orphan and poor children.
Van Requires funds for the Evangelism and for the medical camps purposes.
Bible School To train more workers to take up the orphan Teachings.
Bicycle To provide bicycles for the Staff and Workers.
LCD Projector For the Screening of Jesus Films


Windows 98 SE
Windows 98 SE upgrade
Windows Me
Windows Me upgrade
Windows XP & Home (unregistered)
Windows XP & Home upgrades.(unregistered)
Mobile phones with charger, with/without sim card (not over 2 years old).
Home DVD players (Full working condition).
Digital Cameras
DVD films & Music CD's